

1. What are some of the differences between getElementById and getElementsByClassName? * id - returns a single element/object from the document. class name (tag name) returns an array-like object. * id - needs an id to find, class name - needs a class to find document.getElementsByTagName("div") 2. What will `.getElementsByClassName` return if there are no elements with the matching class in the document? Returns an empty array 3. What will `.getElementById` return if there is no element with the matching id in the document? null

Baby phase

  1. What are the five primitive values in JavaScript? (There are six if you consider ES6).
  1. How do you declare and assign variables in JavaScript?
  1. What’s the difference between constlet and var?
  1. What does each of the following operators do?
    1. +
    2. /
    3. %
  1. What does each of the following comparison operators do?
    1. ===
    2. !==
    3. >
    4. >=
    5. <
    6. <=
  1. How do you use the following conditionals?
    1. if
    2. if/else
    3. else
  1. How do you use a for loop?
  1. What is an array?
    1. How do you put values into arrays?
    2. How to you get values out of arrays?
    3. How do you remove a value from an array?
    4. How do you loop through every value of an array?
  1. What is an object?
    1. How do you put values into objects?
    2. How do you get values out from objects?
    3. How do you remove a property from an object?
    4. How do you loop through every value of an object?
    5. What is a method on an object?
    6. How do you define methods?
    7. How do you call/invoke a method?
  1. What is a function?
    1. How do you define functions?
    2. How do you call/invoke/execute functions?
    3. How do you pass arguments into a function?
    4. What does the return keyword do in a function?

Child phase

  1. What is a callback
    1. How do you use a callback?
    2. How do you write a function that accepts a callback?
  1. DOM methods and questions
    1. What is an Element?
    2. What is a Node?
    3. How do you select an element?
    4. How do you select multiple elements?
    5. How do you loop through multiple elements for all browsers?
    6. How do you select the parent element?
    7. How do you select sibling elements?
    8. How do you select children elements?
    9. How do you add a class to an element?
    10. How do you remove a class from an element?
    11. How do you check if a class is present on an element?
    12. When should you add a class to an element?
    13. How do you add an attribute to an element?
    14. How do you remove an attribute from an element?
    15. How do you check if an attribute is present on an element?
    16. When should you add or remove an attribute?
    17. How do you create an HTML element?
    18. How do you add an element before another element?
    19. How do you add an element after another element?
    20. How do you change the style of your element?
    21. Should you change the style with JavaScript? Why or why not?
    22. How do you get the contents of an element?
  1. Events
    1. How do you add an event listener?
    2. Why do you add event listeners?
    3. How do you remove an event listener?
    4. When should you remove event listers?
    5. Why should you remove event listeners?
    6. How do you get the event’s target?
    7. What triggers the click event?
    8. What triggers the input event?
    9. What triggers the change event?
    10. What triggers the keydown event?

List of questions(teenage phase)

Note: I’d leave you to Google for resources because there are LOTS to cover here.
  1. Asynchronous JavaScript
    1. What is synchronous JavaScript?
    2. What is asynchronous JavaScript?
    3. What is an event loop?
    4. How does the event loop work?
    5. What is a Callback?
    6. What is a Promise?
    7. How do you write Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await?
    8. How do you chain promises?
    9. How do you handle errors with Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await?
    10. How do you use Fetch?
    11. What is Get, Post, Put, Patch, and Delete?
    12. What is Create, Read, Update, and Delete?
  1. Basic Object Oriented Programming
    1. What is this in the 6 possible contexts?
    2. What is a Constructor?
    3. What is a Class?
    4. What is OLOO?
    5. What is a Factory Function?
    6. What is a Prototype?
    7. What does Inheritance mean?
    8. How can you inherit things in JavaScript?
    9. How does Composition mean?
    10. How do you compose things in JavaScript?
  1. Basic Functional Programming
    1. What is a state?
    2. What are side effects?
    3. Why should you reduce state changes?
    4. What is a pure function?
    5. How should you handle side effects?
    6. Why should you NOT mutate objects?
    7. How do you NOT mutate objects?
    8. How do you NOT mutate arrays?
  1. Accessibility
    1. What is WAI-ARIA
    2. What are screen readers?
    3. How do you setup Voiceover?
    4. How do you setup NVDA?
    5. What are aria roles?
    6. What are the possible landmark roles?
    7. What are live regions?
    8. How do you use live regions?
    9. How do you hide content accessibly?
    10. How do you manage Tab focus?